Sun up til sun down

Spent sun up til sun down workin like a dog.  Actually I worked in the dark a bit, and worked harder than a dog - my two simply laid in the sunshine all day watching me.

It was 55 degrees in the house when I got up.  I love it.  It was 19 degrees outside after I ate breakfast and headed out around 7AM.  I like it when I can enjoy breakfast on the weekends and not feel rushed.  I immediately started chopping wood.  It warmed up to 28 around 10AM and I had to take my coat off.  I laughed out loud when I realized I was working in 28 degree weather in a t-shirt, but I wasn't a bit cold.  A book I just read about the Alaskan bush describes how the body gets acclimated to temperature so easily.  The author lived out in the Interior for a season and had regular temperatures of -60 degrees without the windchill.  He got so use to that that he said when it approached -10 degrees as long as he was working all he wore was a long-sleeve thermal top.  He could just be outside without working in +10 degrees with only this on.  Amazing.  I don't think it ever got above 40 today here - a far cry from -60.  In the heat of the day at noon the christmas station I was listening to said it was 37 - a perfect winter day - not too cold - not too hot - perfect for working outside.

Got a lot done today:
- chopped a face cord of wood
- fell and sawed up a 26" diameter dead pine that I was afraid was going to land on my shed
- finally got around to sawing some stumps down to ground level
- changed the oil and performed winter maintenance on the lawn mower
- finally got around to putting the doors back on my workbench
- built a rock wall around a bed (approx 50 linear feet)
- changed the oil in the truck
- changed the oil in the car

Now its time to go sip hot chocolate by the fire!