14 January 2011

As I was coming home early this morning from bball, it was quite a show of nature.  A Red Fox was ambling down the street like he owned the place, oblivious to me as impending danger.  Then I pulled into our driveway and the resident Crane from Mary's Creek Lake Number Five was sitting on the top of the ice in our pond.  I think the ice is at least an inch thick.  It hasn't gotten above freezing for 4 days.  We threw Frosty's head out there and it still didnt bust through.  Then I came up our rock walkway and flushed about a dozen birds (they looked like Carolina Wrens but I'm not positive).  Then I come inside and a huge black bird flies into our window with a thud.  Thankfully, he was okay and flew off.  Next we look out the window and see 7 deer grazing at the edge of our property.  God is good.